Thursday, April 9, 2009

Saskatoon ALSO slideshow

For the report back to the rest of the school, the Saskatoon/PA ALSO group prepared this 10 minute slideshow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ALSO Winnipeg Days 3-5

Wednesday morning we woke up to some fresh snow, which just make our walk to Siloam Mission a little colder and soggier. Siloam is a soup kitchen that also runs a lot of programs. We were able to meet different patrons and serve them breakfast. Siloam offers shelter for the night (with approximately 100 beds), a medical clinic, an art program, a clothing store and various opportunites for education and work experience to their patrons. The goal of the program is to be a springboard to help get those people from the streets to a place where they can live on their own and support themselves or their families. The facilities and enthusiasm of the volunteers and staff are truly amazing.

After our breakfast at Siloam we went to Graffiti Art which is an place that helps to bring communities together and to allow kids to express themselves through art. They exhibit urban art in various forms in the gallery and kids can take a variety of classes, from hip hop, djing, fashion design and visual art. We were able to spend some time making our own urban art here.

Graeme, Jill and Rachel paint records at Graffiti Art Gallery

Once we got back from Graffiti, Rachelle challenged the students to find teams and to do a scavenger hunt in the north end. The teams had to find various things such as: the place with the cheapest breakfast (the Windmill), how many train train tracks under a the Arlington bridge, the number of boarded up houses, and various graffiti tags.

Train tracks separating the north and south end. (There are about 40 tracks)

Thursday morning we woke up bright and early and went to another soup kitchen, Agape Table. At Agape, we helped to serve the patrons and assitsted the staff and volunteers by preparing food, cleaning dishes and tables and moving food. Here we learned at every little bit helps!

Thursday lunch was spent at the Forks. We learned about the historical significance of the Forks during our Orientation, so we spent a few hours exploring this place.

Rachelle was very diligent in pointing out that in the soup kitchens we went do there was a separation between us and the patrons (ie: we served them). We went to another house, Flatlanders Inn, where this segregation is eliminated. Flatlanders is a place where "street people" and "wealthy people" (for lack of better terms) can live together. We heard from a number of people there and how they came to find Flatlanders. Their stories were also very inspiring and gave us hope. The message that the people from Flatlanders wanted us to bring home was love. They challenged us to love everyone; get to know people as individuals and share love and compassion.
Sharing stories at Flatlanders Inn.

Before we left Friday morning, we had one last stop: the Windmill (cheapest breakfast in the area). The Windmill restaraunt is another truly "Winnipegian" thing. The restaraunt has been open for a number of years and has served a variety of customers, including Robin Williams and Ben Kingsley. The food was delicious and it was a great way to conclude the trip and say farewell to Rachelle.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

ALSO Winnipeg -- Days 1 & 2

We spent most of Monday on the road. We left RJC at 7:30 am and were able to reach Winnipeg in time to meet our MCC Winnipeg contact, Rachelle, and learn about the issues in Winnipeg. Like a lot of other places, Winnipeg is segregated into communities of poverty and wealth. The unique thing about this city is that there is a physical divide between the north (poor) and south (wealthy): a row of about 40 train tracks. We talked about the different people in the north end, and learned that they are largely First Nations and Immigrant families. We also talked about a few things that have been done (or attempted to be done) to combat the "problem" of the north end and how some of these solutions were not feasible or were just band aid solutions. We went to bed ready and willing to learn more about the north end and to get to know a few of the interesting people that live and work in the north end.

Tuesday morning we started off listening to Dale Messyabit speak about his experiences. Dale, a residential school survivor, spoke of his educational experiences and how he survived living on the streets for the greater part of his teens. Dale, with the help of some friends, was instrumental in creating a safe place for street kids to learn and be successful. The facility is still operating in the north end today (it has been going for about 20 years). Dale was very inspirational to us as we started our ALSO plunge.

Tuesday afternoon was spent at Winnipeg Harvest, which is a food warehouse. The food that is donated to Harvest is distributed to many food banks and meal places throughout Winnipeg, including school programs and soup kitchens. We got a fantastic tour of the facilities and had a great time bagging bulk rice and sorting pasta. Nothing makes the job go faster without a little healthy competition either.
The group at Winnipeg Harvest
Eric Lo sorts pasta

Bagging rice
Good work!The Rice Off

Winnipeg citizens have recently been concerned with the actions of the police. We met with an organization, CopWatch Winnipeg, who spoke about what they do to "police the police" and ensure that law enforcers are held accountable for their actions. We learned about what our rights are as citizens and some ways in which the police are being monitored by citizens.

Jezreel and Sarah from CopWatch role play

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday in Mississippi

Yesterday was a productive day. We started out with very high humidity and it rained off and on. Halfway through our day it got very dark out and we began to put lights in the houses to see. Little did we know that that is one of the signs before a tornado. Soon after, Cletus, our director, received a call from Stephanie in the office saying that the emergency buzzer was going off and that there had been a tornado watch that had now turned into a warning. Soon it began to rain quite hard and Cletus told us that we were all to move to the fire station in town for safe keeping until the storm was over. We had some conversations with the firefighters and the students lounged in the living room as we watched the weather network. All of the townspeople mentioned that tornadoes usually end up skipping Pass and head northward. This one did as well and after 30 minutes the rain had stopped. It was light again and we headed back to work. We were all very safe and there was no noticeable damage from the rain or winds. It was really quite similar to a Saskatchewan summer downpour. Hopefully none of you were worried. After we finished working for the day we had another amazing dinner (ham, scalloped potatoes, and greek salad -- apple pie and ice cream for dessert!) made by Kristin. We reported on our work and then we headed to the Gulfport Outlet Malls. It was successful for most. Once we were back we hurried to write in our journals and pack up  so that we could get to bed. It was a quite the busy day.
Today was also busy and we had another visit from a home owner which is a major highlight. Willye stayed for quite awhile and  shared her story with us at the site. She had been living in a two bedroom apartment with 20 people. She thought that being there would've been better than taking a FEMA trailer. Her house has made significant progress since we first arrived and we are very excited for her to eventually have it all completed.
We are currently putting tools away and washing the cars. Slowly we are beginning to get cleaned and packed up. Once we load the bus we will eat our last meal here (so sad!) and then head out on the road until North Dakota. Hopefully there will be time to post at the hotel.
We are sad to be leaving an amazing time and amazing people here in Pass Christian, but many of us are excited to get home and share the stories.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Edmonton Thursday

Today we spent the day at Hope Mission in the inner city of Edmonton.  There we prepared and served meals to over 500 people who are homeless for 2 meals, lunch and supper.

The day alternated between crazy busy times and standing around wondering what to do, but it was overall a most enjoyable day.  We experienced much interaction with both the mission employees and the clients during meal times.

For supper, we found ourselves at a beautiful little Indian restaurant where we were hosted to a feast of traditional Indian fare, such as samosa, pakora, naan bread, basmati rice, and some chick-pea creation thingy that was both yummy and spicy.  Plus, the staff gave us a searing hot naan bread baking demonstration which was both slightly frightening and impressive at the same time.  On the way home, we needed to stop for some heart-burn pills, but it was well worth it!

At the Haweli Restaurant.

Tomorrow we clean the church, pack the trailer, and leave for home!  We have decided to give the excess food we have with us (thank you RJC kitchen staff for packing the oodles of sustainance) to the Hope Mission as we leave.  It's been a great week that has left us exhausted and full of thoughts, questions, and inspiration.

ALSO Saskatoon School Days! April 1st - 3rd

Wednesday, April 1st began ALSO Saskatoon's time in 5 community schools scattered through the neighborhoods of Saskatoon's core.  The remainder of this ALSO experience will be spent serving the students of these schools.

The RJC students have had the opportunity to work along side some pretty amazing teachers and staffs.  The schools are colorful, energetic and full of activity!  Our students are met with enthusiasm and  acceptance.  Their duties range from wiping noses and escorting small children to the bathroom to working on math problems or reading stories.  The teachers are grateful for extra hands, eyes and ears.  

Dylan Markwart was a big hit with the boys. The volunteers are usually women.

Lexi Chalus assists in the kindergarten class during snack time.

Daniel Gretton tries to persuade a reluctant student to join in the activity.

Lyle Graham helps out in the grade 5 classroom.

Math time with  Danika Epp as she works on flash cards with a grade 2 student.

Storytime with Jacoba Fast in the pre-k class.

Erik Epp takes a break from academics with a quick game of snakes and ladders.

Derek Yamchuk carefully listening to instructions prior to working  one on one with the students.

Our students are witnessing first hand the issues that arise from the effects of poverty.  It is difficult to see it in the eyes of such young children.  Many programs are offered through community schools.  Snacks and meals and after school programs are often provided.  There often are clothing depots and daycares as well.  Many of the schools offer young adult parenting classes and counseling opportunities.  Elders in the community and other volunteers assist in these programs.  

We are thankful that our students are having the opportunity to learn from these school communities.  We appreciate their willingness to let our students experience life in their buildings.  They have learned a lot.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ALSO Prince Albert

The Grade 10 ALSO week is taking place in Prince Albert.  Monday began with a presentation by Dale Schiele, a representative of the Person 2 Person Program.  Dale has been an integral part of this program since it inception in Prince Albert.  Dale was joined in his presentation by two participants in the Person 2 Person program.  They shared their stories and how they overcame their circumstances to now lead productive lives in society.  Following that time was spent volunteering in the West Flat Community Centre doing spring cleaning.

Tuesday found the students back in school but not at RJC , they were instead volunteering their time at two community schools,  WFA Turgeon and Riverside.  The students RJC are working with were from many different cultural and socio-economical backgrounds.  

Our students are helping out in the classroom, in small groups and one on one.  They willingly work in many different capacities and with many different age groups.

Evan Brockman helps students create posters for the upcoming Heritage Fair.

Katie McLelland on painting duty!

Jocelyn Martens, Hannah Jones and Katie McLelland  in pre - kindergarten gym class.

Joe Lee helping out in grade 3.

Diego Reyes, Brittany Olsen and Jonathan Aubichon sing along to Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes!

Jonathan showing a young student how to hold a pencil.

Erin Boldt helping out in the daycare program.

The remainder of the week will be spent at these two schools.  The RJC students are fast become attached to the students of Turgeon and Riverside, it will be hard to leave at the end of the week!

Edmonton Day 2

Today we finished up our second day of work at the Habitat for Humanity worksite.  We continued where we left off from yesterday, that is, framing and drywalling mostly.  At the end of the day, the CEO of Habitat Edmonton (Alfred Nickel) came to see us and thank us for all the work we did.  He explained how the Habitat system works for people, and encouraged us to continue living a life of service.
Lunch break!
Cara and Miranda were given tools. Scary!
After supper, we went to an apartment block in the inner core of Edmonton where we met children of recent immigrants to Canada.  Most of the families were refugees from more violent and dangerous parts of the world.  We played games, read stories, and learned origami from Mega (I think the most popular part of the evening.)

Julian read a story to Sunny.

Jordan led the boys in a game of Dutch Blitz.

Now we are back in the church, journalling and generally resting from a busy and full day.  Tomorrow we are working at Hope Mission serving in the soup kitchen.

MDS Work Day 3

Today we continued with our work and even began working on a fourth house. Everyone is working very hard, even with some set backs. The houses are looking very good.  We continue to paint, construct railings, stain wood, hang drywall, install soffits and fascia among many other tasks.  we are discovering we have skills and talents we never knew we had.

We also had very special guests today. At noon we went to Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church for lunch. We had delicious southern food and good company. After we ate in the hall, we moved into the church to see its structure and an old friend, Billy Morgan, told us a little bit of its history. Then, he told us a little of his story including his experiences during Hurricane Katrina. He was interesting, entertaining, and motivating. We were very excited to head back to work afterwards.

In the evening, Miss Collins joined us for dinner. Many of us have been working on her house, so she came to tell us her story. She told us how her house and belongings were completely lost after the hurricane. She lived in a trailer for awhile, but unpleasant circumstances motivated her to find different housing as soon as possible. She is currently living in an apartment building in Long Beach and is looking forward to coming home to Pass Christian. After she spoke, Darwin (a crew leader), lead us in devotion with some scripture and excellent music. He was accompanied by Allison G on guitar and John B on bongo drums.

We are hoping to avoid the rain that is forecast for tomorrow. Wish us luck.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ALSO Edmonton signs in

The Edmonton group poses at the Habitat For Humanity build site in Edmonton just before beginning work.

The ALSO group in Edmonton put their first full day of work in today, spending the bulk of the day at a Habitat For Humanity build site.

We will return to the Habitat build site for another day on Wednesday.

The group was divided into smaller work teams, and sent to various jobs in a town-house complex in various stages of construction.  Some of the group were framing, some drywalling, and some putting up siding.  The Habitat supervisors were very welcoming and gracious and helpful, as our small group had all different levels of construction experience.  But that mattered little.

For supper, we found ourself in China town with $3 in our pocket (each). We simulated a scenario where we were to experience what it may be like for a new immigrant to move to a new county, and find food that would not be familiar to us.  We encouraged the students to pool their money together, and try something very new and foreign.  It was  rich experience, and which produced many interesting stories during our de-briefing time later in the evening.

Cassandra at the "Gate of Happy Arrival" in Edmonton China Town.
We are working hard and are very tired, but feeling quite rewarded with all our experiences so far.  Please continue to pray for our safety and enriched learning.

ALSO Saskatoon Day 2

Day two began with a short devotional at the MCC center in Saskatoon.  We then were whisked off to our work assignments for the morning.  We spent the morning in service at The Friendship Inn, the Foodbank, the Clothing Depot, the Salvation Army and the Village Green.

Erik Epp, Derek Yamchuk and Spencer Russell check expiry dates on cheese products at the Foodbank

Jennifer Regier, Suzanne Luitjens and Taylor Roy bag potatoes.

Holly Wheeler sorting clothing at the Clothing Depot

Jesse Woznickzka and Kyle Parton clean dishes at the Salvation Army

Julia Epp and Danielle Hunt clean shelves.

One group start their work at the community school, W.P. Bates today.  The students there escorted the ESL students of W.P. Bates to a folkfest hosted by a neighboring school.  

Dan Driediger and Tim Dueck join in a Turkish folk dance.

Coby Friesen shares a cultural lunch with students from W.P. Bates Community School

Today came the realization that service work is not always glamorous or exciting.  Even though it sometimes can be tedious and repetitious, it is always necessary and important work.  The experience of working along side the people that work and volunteer on a regular basis at these institutions as well as meeting some of the clients that visit these various services is often more important to our students' learning that the actual work being done.

In the afternoon we attended a workshop at the Village Green presented by Darren Friesen on how crime relates to urban poverty. 

The second presentation was a workshop presented by Rick Block (Heifer International) on food security. We watch a very informative video about urban gardening. 

Heidi Epp and Kyle Parton  question Rick Block on composting worms.

We arrived home late in the afternoon with a bus full of tired kids!

After supper, students were invited to visit the homes of some of the teachers for the evening. Each staff member planned an evening where the kids could relax, laugh, eat, and enjoy some time together. Hopefully it recharged us for a new day tomorrow!

Hugo Malan, member of 'Team Lloyd', hopes to outscore 'Team Bev' at the hula hoop challenge!