Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spiritual Class Retreats 2016

The grade 10 IMAGINE class spent three days this week at Camp Kadesh as part of a class retreat. This time at Christopher Lake was an excellent opportunity to build new relationships and enjoy time outdoors.

The retreat also served as an opportunity to kick-off the IMAGINE program. In daily sessions David and Jim asked students to reflect on the theme of ‘imagining new beginnings.’ Using the stories of the disciples, Moses, and Esther as starting points for conversation students affirmed each other’s gifts and made goals for the remainder of the school year.

Worship and Sessions

Cooperative Games


Grade 10 class of 2016/2017

The Grade 11s made the short trip to Shekinah and enjoyed a couple of beautiful day outside. We started by working together to complete team-building initiative tasks that tested our trust, problem-solving, and rope-swinging skills. In the afternoon (after overcoming a few obstacles) we hauled ourselves and canoes to Petrofka Bridge and spent a couple of hours paddling back to Shekinah on the North Saskatchewan River. The evening was spent hanging out, playing Lasers of Doom, and watching the Northern lights. Krista Loewen rounded out our retreat by leading sessions that encouraged us to think about creation in a new way, offering some unique perspectives on climate change. It was a great place to think about our theme - Peace with Creation.


Grade 11 class of 2016/2017

Grade 12s went to Big River Bible Camp for their retreat. Josh Wallace (pastor at Warman Mennonite Church) and Craig Neufeld (pastor at Rosthern Mennonite Church) led sessions with the theme “Peace with Others.” Through story telling, singing, and activities, the students were challenged to find ways to live peaceably with others, both globally and locally. The retreat ended with the students serving each other through foot washing - an activity not often practiced in churches any more, but is still a powerful symbol of servanthood and humility.

Other highlights from the retreat were the brilliant northern lights, the great food, and the coffee house performances by each student in the class!

Grade 12 class of 2016/2017

Friday, September 16, 2016

Faith and Life Committee - Finding God in New Places

The Faith and Life committee introduced students to the 2016/2017 chapel theme. For the next year students, staff and guest speakers will be invited to reflect on Deuteronomy 4:29 and focus on 'Finding God in New Places.' 

To build early excitement the Faith and Life committee had students help them find the theme by participating in a school-wide scavenger hunt. When they found all of the words they returned to find a small celebration and this year's theme. 

Looking for clues.

Thanks Faith and Life for getting the chapel year started with such a fascinating and important theme.