Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mississippi: Thursday

Jenn:Dear family and friends, so today we got reminded of back home and of all of you guys since it is pretty chilly over here.. About plus 11.. brrrrrrr. It got sunny and hot by the afternoon.
Alain: Every day keeps getting more tired and more tired and the time till lunch feels longer and longer.
Jenn: Today was good.
Alain: Lunch was good.
Jenn: At lunch some of the Habitat home owners came to speak to us about their experiences with hurricane Katrina. Their stories were really interesting.
Alain: and overwhelming.
Jenn: After lunch our fearless leader Dan (from H for H) took us on a little field trip down the street to see some of the completed houses. They are all eco friendly. Yay! Alain: Then we started building walls and put up siding. Tonight we'll have a lovely sssssupper in the Mockingbird Cafeeee together with a bunch of H for H staff and Mississippi natives.
Jenn: Well that's all folks, showertime!!!!!!   :)

Jenn and Alain