Hi. It's Mookey Mike and Carrot Step Eric Epp. This is Alabama blog for day 2
and day 3. The team was a bit stranded when the bus broke down L but that's
okay because enterprise saved our souls, we rented out a beast of a van that
even our tallest friends could fit in. Jordan Nickel we are looking at you.
When we finally got to the site, there were many jobs to go around for all.
The sun was shining and beating on our sweaty backs. After the first day we
all got an idea of what we were there to do, we cut, we placed, we washed, and
we cheered YAY! Everyone was really getting' givener especially our new buddy
Jack of Americorp and his alliance of peeps. During lunch we got a nice cold
house to eat in, we had sandwiches and the works it was awesome. Afternoon
givener consisted of much of the same stuff except it got a bit toasty which
burnt our sensitive skin. After work we took the van back to the camp but had
to wait for there were only 15 seats. So in the meantime we watched our buddy
Jack go for a couple laps around the block. When we got back to camp we went
to the mall Yay, shopping! We got a lot of stuff but maybe a bit too much.
Everyone could agree that Koozy looked extra cutalicious in his new threads.
We got back a little late but everyone was fatigued and went off to Snoozy
land to visit Mr. Sandman.
In the mornin' we got our not so trusty bus back and Les was looking extra
happy. When we got to the site that weather wasn't looking so promising. We
took most of the same jobs except some people got drafted to different teams.
It seemed that everyone was floored by how much flooring was getting done son.
It started to rain late in the morning which left everyone a little
unmotivated but after lunch we kept pluggin' on. Les showed up early and the
house down the street was getting a lot of attention. We couldn't make it to
the ocean due to the weeping of Mother nature. We got back to the camp and ate
some dogs which were deeeeeee-licious.
Sincerely, Your good pals: Monkey Mike and Carrot Stepp.