Thursday, May 2, 2013

Also Alabama - Habitat build Day 3

Today we went to two different work sites, with two different groups. The elder group to house number 938 was fun. We were working on the roof again, including the front porch this time. Crystal had a really good learning experience from John, but she got "bullied" by Wally most of the time. It takes Wally Funk thirty taps to get a nail in and Crystal only three. Lloyd cut his finger by accident but he's alright. Josef and Matt S. were a good team on cutting wood.  Jaye, Kelsey and Sarah R. worked like superwomen on the roof, too bad Liam, Morgan and Josh I. were too young. Wally Peters and Craig Dickinson were working in the pouring rain even though the day was called off and the whole team were hiding under the leaking roof. It was a productive day but we have to pause a lot. The other group went to a rehabilitation home, which means it had been previously lived in. During the day the girls were talking in a baby voice, Karalee and Derek got annoyed by it. Derek accidentally sat on a bucket of paint. We painted the whole day and ended up finishing the house. All in all it was a pretty productive day until Cheyenne and Ashley decided to paint on everyone's clothes. Wiens rocked he sweet flow.

Crystal and Derek.

Alyssa was part of the painting crew.

Making do with a make shift ladder.

Karalee and Ryan improvise lighting to paint by.

Cheyenne takes the high road while Mieke takes the low road.   Ashley is in a supervisor role!

Roofing project continues with Lloyd's crew.  Racing between the scattered showers. 

Matt and Josh on the power tools.

Morgan and Wally F.  continue the demolition on the pooch roof.

The crew at work.

Two Wally's!  Not really John and Wally think it is Twin Twin Day Day.

Back at Camp Christian where Alyssa and Laura lead devotions.

Josef celebrates his first birthday in Alabama.

** Sorry for the double post.  I have to take advantage of internet service when I can.  It was a very rainy evening.  The deluge drove our work crews off the work site early.  It poured rain and thundered and lightning through the night.  Word on the street is it rained 10.3 inches last night. (Not kidding!!)  (The grade 10 class can convert that to centimeters for you!)