Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chapel Review for Week Ending November 28

Faith and Life

English teacher Emily Dueck shared in chapel on Monday, November 24.  She related some life lessons that she learned on her recent pilgrimage to the Santiago Compostela in Spain and France.  She invited students to remember, “happiness is not a destination, but a way of travel.”

Students recognized the achievements of their teammates from the fall sports season in chapel on Wednesday, November 26.  Each team and team member from the soccer, football, volleyball, and cross-country teams was recognized for their contributions to the athletics program at RJC.

The Faith and Life committee lit the hope candle, the first candle in the Advent wreath, during chapel on Thursday, November 27.  A carol was sung, scriptures were read, and thoughts were shared.  Advent has begun!  Let us each prepare a manger in our hearts.   

Principal Jim Epp presented RJC’s ‘Do More. Be More.’ capital campaign to the students in chapel on Friday, November 28.  Over $150,000 has already been raised for this five-year plan, $5000 of which came from the RJC SRC.  Stay tuned for more details about this exciting initiative.     

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapel Review for Week Ending November 24

Canadian Mennonite University’s Admissions Director, Janelle Hume, was in chapel to talk to our Grade 12 students about post-secondary opportunities on Friday November 7.  Over the years many RJC grads have attended CMU, and participated in the school’s ‘Outtatown’ program.   Hume is positive about the connections between CMU and RJC, and has been impressed with the quality of students that she has seen attend the school.  Hume noted that RJC students “are not fearful to engage in tough conversations…they have a sensitivity to care a lot about things that matter, which is refreshing and a sign of maturity.”  Interested RJC students will travel to CMU for an Open Campus Day on November 27. 

On Thursday, November 13 the Faith and Life Committee played ‘Relationship Jeopardy’ in chapel, boys versus girls style.  Question headings included topics such as ‘marriage’, ‘stats and facts’, and ‘social media’.  This was an extension of a ‘Pursuing Healthy Relationships’ session from our Deeper Life Days from the previous week.

Rock Paper Scissors decides who goes first!

On Friday, November 14, students reflected on their learning from Deeper Life Days, and completed surveys to help plan for next year’s event.  Students also signed an over-sized ‘Get well soon!’ card for an RJC student in the hospital.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Deeper Life Days - Growing the Future Nov 6

Deeper Life Days Report
Friday, November 7

The Faith and Life Committee presented their annual Deeper Life Days on Wednesday, November 5, and Thursday, November 6 with the theme “Growing the Future: In pursuit of a healthier world”.  The days featured a series of speakers, activities, and games that focused on envisioning a healthy, prosperous future.  The scripture focus was Jeremiah 29:11: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

Rachel and Danielle

Song leaders - Katie, Sergio and Ariane

The event kicked off with some singing and a presentation from RJC alumnus Joel Ens.  Ens spoke on the topic of the environment.  Ens is a scientist and professor at the U of S in the area of soil science.  He used a slide show entitled ‘the parable of the aspen tree’ (based on the parable of the mustard seed) to show how the people of God can learn from nature.  He relied on research and slide shows with graphs and charts to show some of the challenges facing the planet, as well as some practical solutions, which pointed toward a brighter future.

Following Dr. Ens’ presentation the Faith and Life committee led a session about the topic of healthy relationships.  What good is a healthy planet if our relations are toxic?  Students played some games centered on myths about the internet, and challenged one another to ‘look up’ from their electronic devices, and to be more present and real with one another in this technological age.

Following lunch Mary Ellen Brockman visited the chapel and led students in a session focused on pursuing a healthy lifestyle.  Brockman gave advice and showed examples of how to decrease stress and anxiety and to increase energy and vitality.  This is particularly helpful for students as they face illness during flu season, stress during exams, and lack of energy due to active social lives and late nights! 

The Faith and Life committee organized some activities following Brockmans’ presentation.  Student were randomly paired and played asked one another some deeper questions, then played ‘partner dodgeball in the gym to blow off some steam before the final session of the day “pursing a healthy, fair economy’. 

Carol Reimer-Wiebe, manager of 10,000 Villages store on 45th St. in Saskatoon, shared her vision for a fair-trade economy.  RJC is happy to be hosting 10,000 Villages fair trade Xmas sale on Wednesday, December 10 at RJC! 

The following day kicked off with students creatively acting out bible skits before the opening.  Jae and Karen (and their two cute daughters!) visited us from South Korea and shared about their peace-building work in this country.  Jae is a former South Korean army veteran who now works for peace.  Following this session the worship band led some songs and the next speaker was introduced.  Another Alumnus, Crystal Lau, led the final session ‘pursuing a diverse future’.  Lau is a student at U of S in the linguistics department.  Her challenge to the students centered on the need to be open-minded to other cultures. 

Jae and Karen

The Faith and Life committee executive closed the event with a summary led by Danielle B., Rachel F., and teacher Ryan Wood.  Students prayed for one another and for a healthy future.  Thank you to all people who helped make this a successful, meaningful event.  With all the negative messages in the news, the media, and our world it is important to remember that we are a people of hope!  Let’s make the world a better place.  We are rooted in faith; we are growing the future!