Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapel Review for Week Ending November 24

Canadian Mennonite University’s Admissions Director, Janelle Hume, was in chapel to talk to our Grade 12 students about post-secondary opportunities on Friday November 7.  Over the years many RJC grads have attended CMU, and participated in the school’s ‘Outtatown’ program.   Hume is positive about the connections between CMU and RJC, and has been impressed with the quality of students that she has seen attend the school.  Hume noted that RJC students “are not fearful to engage in tough conversations…they have a sensitivity to care a lot about things that matter, which is refreshing and a sign of maturity.”  Interested RJC students will travel to CMU for an Open Campus Day on November 27. 

On Thursday, November 13 the Faith and Life Committee played ‘Relationship Jeopardy’ in chapel, boys versus girls style.  Question headings included topics such as ‘marriage’, ‘stats and facts’, and ‘social media’.  This was an extension of a ‘Pursuing Healthy Relationships’ session from our Deeper Life Days from the previous week.

Rock Paper Scissors decides who goes first!

On Friday, November 14, students reflected on their learning from Deeper Life Days, and completed surveys to help plan for next year’s event.  Students also signed an over-sized ‘Get well soon!’ card for an RJC student in the hospital.