Friday, December 5, 2014

Chapel Review Week Ending Dec 5

RJC Faith and Life Report
Friday, December 5, 2014

Science teacher Karalee Kuny shared in chapel on Monday, December 1.  Kuny gently challenged students to take responsibility for their own spiritual development.  She compared the discipline needed in athletic pursuits, like her commitment to an aerial hoop class, to the discipline needed in the pursuit the Kingdom of God.  She included some amazing video clips of her aerial hoop class.  Go Karalee! 

On Wednesday, December 3 Ryan Wood encouraged students to consider their Christmas shopping habits, and reminded the student body about the upcoming 10,000 Villages Fair-Trade X-mas sale next Wednesday.

On Thursday, December 4 The Faith and Life committee lit the second candle in the Advent wreath, the Peace Candle.  International students read scripture in their native languages, and Kylee K. shared a meditation.  Students were encouraged to pursue peace in their world.

Kylee lights the candle.

Sergio reads in Spanish.

Miriam reads in German.

On Friday, December 5 the SRC held a Pep Rally for the Basketball and Football teams.  This was to get the student body pumped up for the Home Basketball Tournament this weekend!  Students cheered on their teams and participated in some ‘athletic games’, which included accurately throwing Cheezies on the whipped-creamed faces of our team captains!  ARRRRR – JC!

- Ryan Wood