Ahem. Good day from the High River ALSO crew working for the Mennonite Disaster Service.
This is our first ALSO blog, and I am pleased to inform you, dear readers, whoever you may be, that things are going swimmingly thus far.
The drive out here was lengthy, but we're all alive, and have since began our work around the charming city of High River. Today we split into several groups, starting repairs on few homes, and sorting through an enormous amount of tools in the supply sheds. While things began a tad slowly, and much remains to be done, we think it's safe to say we're off to a splendid start.
Pictured above, from top down: Madi gives her iconic smile, as she paints something; Aidan looks tenderly at a clump of wiring, preparing to seal an unsightly hole; Kelsey holds a brush.
Props to the group that spent all day digging holes beneath a house; they inspire us all. And props to you, beloved readers, you are the backbone that holds us together. Until next time, this is MDS High River, blogging off.