Friday, May 1, 2015

ALSO Shekinah

During ALSO Week a group of twelve students went to Shekinah to help clean up after the flood last year. One group was helping fold and put away the flood barriers that had been set up in case the valley flooded again this year, which it didn't, and another group helped take apart a storage tent that had collapsed under the winter snow. The 'tent' had to be cut apart and we had to haul away the metal beams that had held it up, and sort through the wreckage to salvage anything that wasn't destroyed, and move it to another shed.

It felt really good to be helping out without expecting anything in return, and there was a positive dynamic in the whole group as we worked together to get the work done. 'Shekinah' translates into "the presence and glory of God," and God's glory was definitely present as we worked together at Shekinah.