Welcome to Pass Christian MDS Site. We have experienced great hospitality, fantastic food, wonderful people and comfortable accomodations. Jim is visiting with Kelvin, a long-term MDS volunteer here.
Hanna loved that :) Thank goodness for porta-potties on the job site.
Kaitlyn did a great job learning how to install laminate flooring.
Coby and Steven hung out in the rafters installing fibre glass insulation.
This group is literally building their house from the ground up. We were building walls and framing.
Billy is one of the client home owners. He was on site all day landscaping and telling great stories. His home is less than half completed but he already has a lawn chair on his deck and spends most afternoons there reading his mail and his newspaper. He is already making it his home.
I heard that Jim's group worked very hard yesterday on some stair stringers in 82 f heat. Wow ! .... I wonder what magical powers Jim has over Jon, I call and call and call, but can never get Jon to get off the computer to the climb the basement stairs and come for supper, unless of course it's my glazed ham with secret special sauce. Work hard Jon and maybe you'll beat me in an arm wrestle when Im 75.
Hey Jonny. Have you saved any lives with that flashlight yet.
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