Sunday, February 8, 2009


Bueno Noches
 Wow today was busy!!!! The sun came out today and warmed us up considerably. We left for Carranza in the morning and drove through a visibly poorer section of Guatemala city. This poorer section was seen through the many stray dogs and piles of garbage spilling down the sides of the ravine and into these poor people´s drinking water. We arrived at the church with no expectation´s and yet we all had different ideas of what to expect. The actual church was a small blue shack made out of wood and metal thrown together. The inside was covered in carpet, lace and curtains. This bare terrible biulding was made to feel very comfortable and the people made a huge effert to make us feel at home. We filled up the majority of the church. This made us feel very akward but the congregaion was just happy to see us and didn´t mind at all. The church service lasted about two hours. It consisited of prayer, singing and a sermon which was thankfully translated for us. The singing style was very different from our own. As Adam later staid the bible says make a joyful noise not a pretty noise! We had a chance to sing three english songs in four part harmony and taught the kids our spanish song about baby moses. The lunch included veggies, thin chewy beef (so good), bean paste and tamalles which are baked corn bread in a corn husk. The group had mixed opinions on the meal and to be honest it didn´t look that good. The taste on the other hand was so great. In the afternoon we had a chance to play with the kids of Carranza. It started with a game of toss the ball and ended with a variety of games in the ¨campo¨ which we now know means park. The kids tired us out with constant requests, in spanish, of piggy back rides and us spinning them around in the air. After a brief water break we left the church and travelled to downtown Guatemala where their is a huge public cemetary. It was crazy each tomb was bigger then the houses that poeple actually live in. It made for a odd feeling of walking among the city of the dead. Some of the tombs were mansion´s that housed some of the richest families in Guatemala. We also visited a tomb where poeple during the civil war were dragged and shot before being thrown off a cliff into the dump. On the other hand their were rentable tomb´s and once the family quit paying the body was removed. This was followed by a more touisty event which included seeing a to scale relief map of Guatemala made 100 year ago. We concluded our day by going out for icecream and returned for a wonderfull supper. This only briefly sums up our day and we are already half asleep!!!! Until tomorrow, Adios
Krista, Ian and the rest

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