Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last One :(

Hi there !!!
This is to fill you in on what we´ve  done these last few days. We started our third portion of the trip with a four hour bus ride to Coban. This bus ride took us around many curves, like oodles of curves. From Coban we drove in a mIcro to Bezaleel where we were given a tour of the campus. Despite the campus appearance which is lovely we notice the bathrooms and cafeteria were lacking. The food was very bland and consisted of either beans and eggs, beans and rice or a singular hard boiled egg. We also drank Ketchi Koolaid which was pretty much coffee and lots of suger. We were able to participate in Canada vs Guatemala soccer games in which we were schooled. Other interesting activities we did were a tour of a coffee plantation and participating in their schools chapel. (It was really long and very loud even though their mikes weren´t working). The next day we headed to the coast and Monterrico. The hotel we stayed in was very cool (not literally actually it was very warm). The hotel consisted of huts with palm leaf roofs, hammocks, bug nets, and pools. We got a chance to walk the huge distance or 200 feet to the beach where we swam and were tossed by the waves. The turtle release was a good time and we all had fun watching them try to crawl to the ocean. We had a great pizza supper that night and a bonfire on the beach. The next morning we got up super early to pariticipate in the mangrove tour, which was really interesting. We got to see the sunrise and watched many cool birds. Later that day due to a slight change in plans that included two flat tires, we headed to Antiqua instead of climbing Mount Piquia. Antiqua was very gorgeous due to all the colonial buildings, spanish influence and lack of garbage. After lunch we headed back to Semilla one last time. After a very short night we boarded our plane to Mexico City and here we are on our way home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a fabulous time and will see you soon.
Krista, Ian and the 15 other great peoples in the group

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