Friday, February 19, 2010

photo recap

Here are just a few of the pictures from our trip.
In Guatemala City (Day 1)

Learning about Zone 1 In Guatemala City (Day 2)

Our first Canada v. Guatemala Soccer Game (Day 3)Inside a classroom built by RJC Guatemala 2009 at Lo de Carranza (Day 4)Cutting rebar for cement supports at Lo de Carranza (Day 4)Mixing cement (Day 5)Preparing the trenches for the cement (Day 5)
Carrying pails of cement (Day 5)

Enjoying a spicy lunch after some hard work (Day 5)Meeting some of the children (Day 5)A view of Lake Atitlan (Day 6)Meeting the children at ANADESA's childrens' group (Day 6)Juan and Paige telling about some of the history of Panabaj (Day 6)
Making crafts with the children at ANADESA's childrens' group (Day 7)Learning to make tortillas by hand (Day 7)Our turn to try (Day 7)En Route to La Vega Del Volcan (Day 9)View from the town (Day 9)Morning after our homestay at La Vega Del Volcan (Day 10)Our second Canada v. Guatemala Game at La Vega Del Volcan (Day 10)At the hot springs near Xela (Day 11)

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