Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunrise at Semilla

I've always been a morning person and usually I feel the most inspired in the early hours of the morning. So I guess it's no surprise that as the sun rises over the trees at our Guatemalan villa I feel compelled to share some reflections of this trip.

Our trip has been a fantastic one. I have learned so much more about the people of Guatemala, the issues they face, the students we took on the trip and more about myself and the role I play in all of this. I have witnessed amazing growth in each of the students that are on the trip. Each person shone in their own way as we saw glimpses into the everyday lives of various Guatemalan residents. Without the students and other chaperones I doubt that this experience would have been as rewarding. I am excited to see how each student unpacks all the information they've received and how they will use the lessons and experiences in the future.

I am constantly assured of how blessed and lucky I am as well. There are so many things that I take for granted that I know I am privileged to have. We live in a country where we feel safe and can trust our government leaders (for the most part). I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a place where I never received benefits from an elected group of people in power. The importance of community have also been cemented into my mind. It's quite amazing to see what a group of people with a common vision and support network can do. We've seen communities bounce back from the most devestating things on this trip, and we've seen the hope that a group of people can bring. Even while traveling through the winding roads that I thought were completely desolate there were houses and communities there. It's an incredibly powerful thing. I think we have all witnessed the importance of family as well. I think it's safe to say that each person on the trip is missing theirs and looking forward to seeing familiar faces waiting for them and welcoming them home in the coming days. I can assure you that each of you have been thought of and prayed for each day. Thank you also for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

We have one final day together in this country before we fly out. I think that everyone is leaving with mixed emotions as they are glad they got to come on this trip but equally glad to be on Canadian soil and sharing all the events, stories and pictures with our families and friends. Thank you for all of your love and support through this adventure we've had.


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