Monday, April 19, 2010

ALSO Saskatoon Day 1

Well our week of learning outside of the classroom has begun! ALSO Missinipe, Calgary and Winnipeg hit the road early this morning in hopes of reaching their respective destinations this evening.

ALSO Saskatoon headed to the MCC center to begin our week with the CHALO program. We began our day by exploring and putting a face to the issues of poverty, disability, sustainable living and immigration. Our stereotypes were challenged to be not necessarily incorrect but rather an incomplete description of individuals. The rest of the day was spent on a "Race for Understanding". Each group travelled on foot or by city transit to a list of destinations. We visited numerous organization who provide services for each of these areas. A few of the organizations we visited were:

International Women of Saskatoon
Saskatchewan Intercultural Association Inc.
Open door Society
Newcomer Information Centre

The Crocus Cooperative
Autism Services
Sherbrooke Community Centre

Eco-Waste Reduction Centre
CHEP-Community Gardening
Aqua-ponics Program

Switch Drop in Centre
Salvation Army
Persons living with Aids Centre

And that just to name a few! We concluded the day back at the MCC building with all groups sharing what they had observed and learnt during the day.

Time was spent journaling and reflecting before returning to RJC for the evening.

The introduction to the CHALO program with Dana Barrand at MCC Sask

Torrey Falconer and Kiersten Cancade explain their poster on immigration

Brayden Holman was spokesperson for his group who worked with Disabilities

The "Race for Understanding" began at the bus mall in downtown Saskatoon.
Adam Ens organizes his group who was looking into sustainable living.

Lloyd Schmidt and several students study the bus routes.

Carmen Pauls, Brayden Holman, Jordan Wiens and Steven Tetreault take to the streets on foot.

Lunch was on the fly! Any comfortable spot will do. Jessie Ho, Kiersten Cancade and Torrey Falconer find a bit of shade.

The flags outlining the window are representative of only a few of the nationalities using the services of the Newcomer Information Centre.

Torrey leads the way to the Open Door Society

One group of students waiting patiently at the bus for the others to return after a long day walking and bussing through the Saskatoon inner core.
Debriefing at the MCC center.

Discussion groups.

Journaling at the end of the day.

Stephanie Willie and Brooklin Perran

Carly Dyck

Colton Regier
Jordan Wiens and David Wiebe
Luke Derksen and Steven Tetreault

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