Thursday, April 22, 2010

ALSO Saskatoon Day 3,4 and 5

ALSO Saskatoon has had an exciting few days. Day 3, 4 and 5 saw groups of students working in different locations in and around the Saskatoon area. The students were eager and anxious to get going, get their hands 'dirty' and get their placements and get to work!

We had two groups serving at two community schools in the inner core of Saskatoon. At Pleasant Hill Community School our students were placed in classrooms and asked to help out in many capacities. Duties varied from helping with lessons, serving and cleaning up snack, playing games in gym class, chaperoning field trips to wiping noses and tying shoelaces!

Stephanie Willie participating in gym class.

Wade Goerzen looking for the right answers in the grade 6 classroom.

Samantha Bloomfield helps out the teacher by providing some much needed one on one math time with a student.

Carly Dyck already has a loyal following in the kindergarten class.

Besides the regular 'school duties', the students at W.P. Bates also helped prepare an ethnic meal for the cultural evening held at the school. The students helped entertain the children of the families while their parents attended a workshop.

Caitlyn Hegedus and Jesse Ho spends time with Richard, giving mom a much needed break. Richard suffers from autism. Richards family has only been in Canada for 5 months.

Torrey Falconer helps out at the craft table.

Kiersten Cancade gladly helps out with babysitting this newborn baby girl!

The students grow more attached to the children with each passing moment. Leaving on Friday will be difficult.

We also had a group building a fence at the 'Farm in the Dell' located near Aberdeen. Farm in the Dell is housing project for adults with disabilities. It is the dream of its' founders to provide a loving nurturing enviroment that fosters independence and also celebrates each individuals strengths and gifts. They are hoping to be fully operational by fall of 2010.

Our last group was located at Camp Shekinah. The groups was providing the muscles behind many projects at Shekinah. Some of their duties included cleaning out the bushes, staining building, and bridge building. A beautiful sunny morning was spent erecting the grand white tent on the main field. It definitely required many hands!

Suzanne Luitjens and Lloyd Schmidt 'sew' the seams together.

Luke Driedger-Enns drive the anchors into the ground. Thank goodness the ground was thawed out!

Joey Fan and Gerry Au Yeung break a sweat pounding in the countless tent pegs. I think they will be sore tomorrow!
Jordan Wiens , Luke and Lloyd work together to lift the end of the tent.

All hands were necessary to help secure this tent! Thank goodness there was no wind this morning!

They rest of our week will be spent at these four locations. Our badminton players have had to take a break from their placements to participate in regional playoffs. They join us when they can. Our ALSO week is soon coming to a close. The students have spent much time learning, observing and doing. So much too learn .... so little time!

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