Friday, April 26, 2013

ALSO Calgary, Saskatoon, and Prince Albert

Friday April 26, 2013

Students at RJC today continued to prepare for their service week which will begin in earnest on Monday, April 29.  Part of today's events included attending a Habitat for Humanity Key Dedication Ceremony.  We were invited because of our volunteerism during the beginning stages of the house during last year's ALSO.  It was inspiring to see the new home owners receive their keys.  As it turns out, the houses still need some finishing work and our students this year will be part of that process!

 -Saskatoon Mayor Don Atchison addresses the crowd with the home owners beside him-

Students ended the day with an ALSO commissioning service in the chapel where different scripture was read including James 1:19-27 which reminded us of the importance of putting our words into action.  The preparation is complete.  Let's put our beliefs in action!                                          

-ALSO Calgary, Saskatoon, and Prince Albert Commissioning Service-