Hola, have you missed us? Well if you have, we're back and safe. We had a great time in El Salvador. We started off by driving to San Martin and went to the Romero museum. We learned a lot about the massacre that happened at the University there. After this we drove to the finca. The finca is a small farm/acerage where they are making houses for people who have no land to their name. We spent the night there and in the morning drove to San Martin again, where we went to La Lenia where the people who are being moved live. This is an area of poverty. Here we set out to build four chicken coops but we were unable to do this because the supplies were on El Salvadorian time. This means that they were late. What we did instead is we went around finding out the "other side to the story." We talked to many local families and found out thier stories. After this the group met with a group of local youth who had the initiative to raise chickens and give them to the poorest of the families in La Lenia. After this we drove to Perquin where we had an amazing welcome of music. We spent the night there and in the morning we went to Catholic mass where we witnessed an El Salvadorian Wedding. After a bit of down time we went to the site of the El Mozote Massacre. At this site there were thousands of people, men, women and children (the youngest being 2 days old), were killed. We then went back to the hotel where Eric, Tyler, Meghan, Kayla and Jake played in the heavy rain. We woke uop early the next morning to go to school. The only difference wass that we went to a preschool where we help out controlling the HYPER! children. During the afternoon we painted the school. That evening we drove back to San Martin and spent the night at the finca. However it did take us a little while to get to the finca this time as we got lost. The first attempt we ended up on a steep sand road that Raoul amazingly turned around on. The second attempt we ended up 400 yards from the finca but we told Raoul to turn around. The third attempt we ended up in the narrow road to a VERY charismatic church and again Raoul had to turn around. We finally got directions and ended up at the finca where wew all didn't sleep due to that rooster. The next morning we drove back to La Semilla where we are now. We got some down time to do laundry and play dutch blitz. We also met and RJC Alumnis, Bruce Gunther. Tomorrow we head of to Santiago Atitlan where we will be staying with local families and we will be doing some work around there. We will be missing for another two days. We will talk to you when we get back to La Semilla. Adios.
Nathan Hebert (with spelling and grammar help from Larry.)