Friday, April 11, 2014

ALSO Saskatoon Mid Week - Roll up the sleeves and get to work!

This week, the students who stayed back in Saskatoon were out doing some work in the city. Some worked at community schools, while others worked at Habitat for Humanity, both on houses and at the Re-Store Habitat, which is a store open to the public which offers affordable building supplies, appliances, as well as furnishings. They learned quite a bit about Habitat's mission, and how it works, and the students who went to schools learned a lot about how those work, and how even children go through challenges everyday.

(more below)
Toby, Isaac, and Caitlin were at W.P. Bate Community School this week - one of 4 schools assigned to RJC students.

Toby working one-on-one with a student.

Alexa, Maddi, Renee, and Roch (not pictured) were at Caroline Robbin School. They are all wearing pink on Anti-Bullying Day.

Danielle up close with a student at St. John School.

Isaac outside the Family Room at W.P. Bate.

Dusty, Kyle, Gabby, and Abby at the Habitat for Humanity work site. The Habitat group worked at 3 different sites this week!

Rachel and Leah working at the Habitat site.

At Vincent Massey Community School, the students can be involved in a strings program with the cooperation of "Sistema Saskatoon."

Hope and Brittany at the craft table at Vincent Massey. They made hats everyday for the Pre-K kids.

Lyndsey, Danielle, Cody were at St. John School.

Thank you Ed Brockman, principal at St John School for making your school available to RJC kids. Ed is a former teacher at RJC. Can you find the family resemblance with one of the RJC kids?
Today we are at Camp Kinasao to reflect on the week's events, and share many of our experiences that we had throughout the week. Some people talked of how Habitat works for the betterment of people who are less fortunate, and how the Re-Store helps raise money for the building of those houses. '

The students that worked at schools throughout the week also talked of their week, including stories from and about the students, that were both uplifting, positive, and a little bit heartbreaking. Children and staff welcomed the students wholeheartedly, and students in particular were very sad that they had to go.

All in all, it was a short, three-day experience, but we learned valuable life lessons and had amazing experiences along the way. Even though the week was a bit short, and we wish it were longer, the grade 11's and 10's are looking forward to ALSO next year!
- Cody, Roch, & Leah