Thursday, April 10, 2014

High River Work Day #3

Today is the third day working with the MDS organization in High River. The students woke up at 6:30 and some later than that!  Joe led everyone in a devotion; Simon and Analicia closed the devotion praying in Spanish.  The students were blessed to have a hot breakfast everyday before heading to work at 8. 

  Here is Christie looking really awesome while handling a nail gun.  And Jacob, a crew leader working on the framing.  They were framing a basement from morning till afternoon.

Kelsey looks like a professional electrician here screwing the outlet in place.  And the picture below Rianna is sort of holding on or leaning against a cardboard. Working with joy!  (Don't let this picture fool you, Rianna has been working really hard!  Ask her about the bucket.)

 After supper they met with other volunteers in the chapel. A homeowner, Kathleen, shared about her experience and how the flood in High River impacted her.  Her home basement was destroyed by the flood and she talked about how he received help from some volunteers working for MDS. One of her most precious and irreplaceable item found in the basement, a Norwegian hand made table cloth by her mom, was found under many layers of mud. She was very grateful and said all the volunteers who helped the victims of flood could not be thanked enough. It was a very touching story.

Peace Out! - Christie!