Friday, April 22, 2016

Chilling at Wanuskewin


This morning, us grade elevens who've yet to begin our ALSO experiences found ourselves at Wanuskewin Heritage Park. We learned more about Native history and traditions, in the interest of opening our minds to different perspectives, keeping with the spirit of ALSO. 

Following a short introductory film, our tour guide Bonnie taught us about a fascinating method of hunting once used by Native Americans, known as a "bison pound", in which a highly trained bison runner would disguise themselves as a baby bison and, through their cries, lure entire herds into a trap.

Then we headed into the admittedly cold outdoors, where we were lead on a "medicine walk", learning about the various traditional medicines that grow in the valley, of which there are countless varieties. For instance, green lichen, commonly found on rocks, acts as a multivitamin when boiled. Other plants numb pain, serve as birth control, and even act to thin one's blood. 

We wrapped up our experience by cooking bannock over a fire, which warmed us up after our chilly stroll through the park. Overall, our trip was a meaningful processor to our upcoming ALSO week, because how can we hope to be of service to others if we're not willing to open our minds, and hearts, to their lives?